11th-grade booklist

DWHS 11th Grade Summer Reading List

Agee, James.  A Death in the Family
Allende, Isabel.  Eva Luna, The House of the Spirits
Alvarez, Julia.  How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent, In the Time of the Butterflies
Baldwin, James.  Go Tell it on the Mountain
Bowen, Elizabeth.  The House in Paris
Bryher, Winifred.  The Fourteenth of October
Bunyan, John.  The Pilgrim’s Progress
Cisneros, Sandra.  The House on Mango Street
Crane, Stephen.  The Red Badge of Courage
Dubos, Rene.  So Human an Animal
Dreiser, Theodore.  Sister Carrie, An American Tragedy
Enger, Leif.  Peace Like a River
Forster, E.M.  A Passage to India
Gaardner, Jostein. Sophie’s World
Hemingway, Ernest.  A Farewell to Arms
Hersey, John.  The Wall, Hiroshima
Hulme, Keri.  The Bone People
Joyce, James.  The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kazantsakis, Nikos.  Zorba the Greek
Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible
Le Guin, Ursula. The Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore
Mehta, Gita.  Raj
Michener, James.  Poland
More, Sir Thomas.  Utopia
Morrison, Toni.  Beloved, The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon
Orwell, George.  Animal Farm, 1984
Plato, The Republic
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de.  Wind, Sand and Stars
Shaw, George Bernard.  Androcles and the Lion, Saint Joan
Tan, Amy.  The Joy Luck Club
Tolstoy, Leo.  War and Peace
van der Post, Laurens.  A Story Like the Wind, A Far-Off Place
Vonnegut, Kurt.  Slaughterhouse Five
Walker, Alice.  The Color Purple
Warren, Robert Penn.  All The King’s Men
Wolfe, Thomas.  Look Homeward Angel
Wright, Richard.  Native Son

Works by any of the following authors…

Jane Austen
James Baldwin
Saul Bellow
Albert Camus
Isak Dineson
George Eliot
William Faulkner
Edith Hamilton
Garrison Keillor
C.S. Lewis
Mary Renault
Albert Schweitzer
Sir Walter Scott
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Leo Tolstoy
Henrik Ibsen
William Manchester
John Updike
Tom Robbins
Thornton Wilde

Biographies of…

Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
John Keats
The Marquis de Lafayette
Galileo Galilei
St. Francis of Assisi
Geoffrey of Boullion
Richard the Lionheart
Thomas Aquinas
Percy Bysshe Shelley
William Wordsworth
Daniel Webster

Books dealing with medieval history, astronomy or early music are also acceptable.