12th-grade booklist

DWHS 12th Grade Summer Reading List

In addition to securing a copy of Jane Eyre and reading it, please also read one of the following texts:

Please also try to read one of the following titles:
Agee, James.  A Death in the Family
Alcott, Louisa May.  Work
Allen, Frederick Lewis.  The Big Change
Allende, Isabel.  Eva Luna, Stories of Eva Luna, The House of the Spirits
Alvarez, Julia.  How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent, In the Time of the Butterflies
Baldwin, James.  Go Tell it on the Mountain
Bauby, Jean-Dominique. The Diving-Bell and the Butterfly
Bowen, Elizabeth.  The House in Paris
Bryher, Winifred.  The Fourteenth of October
Carson, Rachel.  Under the Sea Wind
Coffin, William Sloane.  Once to Every Man
Darwin, Charles.  The Voyage of the Beagle
Defoe, Daniel.  Journal of the Plague Year
Dillard, Annie.  Pilgrim at Tinker’s Creek
Dostoevesky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment, Notes from the Underground
Enger, Leif.  Peace Like a River
Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex
Forster, E.M. A Passage to India
Friedman, Milton.  Free to Choose
Grass, Gunter.  The Tin Drum
Hemingway, Ernest.  A Farewell to Arms
Hersey, John. Hiroshima
Hoffer, Eric.  The True Believer
Hulme, Keri.  The Bone People
Ibsen, Henrik.  The Doll’s House
Joyce, James.  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible
Lopez, Steve. The Soloist
McLuhan, Marshall.  Understanding Media
Mehta, Gita.  Raj
Michener, James.  Poland
Mitchell, David. Cloud Atlas, The Bone Clocks, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Morrison, Toni.  Beloved, The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon
Pasternak, Boris.  Dr. Zhivago
Remarque, Erich.  All Quiet on the Western Front
Ryan, Cornelius.  The Longest Day
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de.  Wind, Sand and Stars
Salinger, J.D.  Franny and Zooey
Shirer, William.  The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Steinbeck, John.  The Sea of Cortez
Terkel, Studs.  Working
Timerman, Jacobo.  Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number
Toffler, Alvin.  Third Wave
Vonnegut, Kurt.  Cat’s Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five
Walker, Alice.  The Color Purple

Works by any of the following authors…
Saul Bellow
Albert Camus
Joseph Conrad
Simone de Beauvoir
William Faulkner
Henry James
D.H. Lawrence
Carson McCullers
Arthur Miller
Flannery O’Connor
George Orwell
Tom Robbins
Bertrand Russell
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
I.F. Stone
Dylan Thomas
Leo Tolstoy
Virginia Woolf
Richard Wright

Biographies of…
Lord Byron
John Calvin
Winston Churchill
Charles Darwin
John Keats
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Joseph Stalin
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Nelson Mandela
Henry David Thoreau